


Sweet Edgar came to Wes and his wife, Haven, with an endearing love of snuggling.  He also had a lot of anxiety, and no wonder:  When a friend of Haven’s rescued him in Austin, he’d been living on the street.  In his new home, he stuck to Wes and Haven like glue. He also wolfed his food, urinated on furniture, and tore up books when he was alone.   

To feel more at ease, Edgar needed to know how things worked in his new home.  Wes and Haven established routines for him and started training him right away, so he could quickly understand his new parents and gain confidence from hearing “Good boy!” as he mastered tasks. Games helped burn off nervous energy, and Wes and Haven used upbeat, confident tones around Edgar while limiting lap time so he could gain a little independence. Wes also made sure Edgar urinated regularly outside.  Edgar thrived with structure, and he’s stopped his destructive behaviors.



Beautiful Pearl loved her owners from the moment they adopted her.  However, like Edgar, Pearl suffered from separation anxiety, which she expressed by tearing up her crate and the living room couch.  Also, Pearl was uncomfortable unless she was right beside a member of her new family.  

Wes helped Pearl’s owners implement similar strategies he had used with Edgar along with more discipline. Pearl’s owners had been using an extra-long leash, so walks had often turned into Pearl chasing squirrels while dragging her owners behind her. Wes coached Pearl’s owners in using a shorter leash for more physical control and using a more assertive tone with commands. More structure helped Pearl relax and behave more safely, and she’s gained enough confidence to have fun visiting Edgar (her best friend) by herself. 

There’s no overnight fix for the kind of anxiety Edgar and Pearl experienced, but these pooches prove that with patience and a solid plan, it’s possible to correct destructive behavior.